30 April 2009

Hiding file/folder trick

Ha! this thing is way 2 old now!I know a much powerful trick 2 hide a folder.
Follow these steps:

1.Right click on the folder u want 2 hide.
2.go on 2 “Rename” option on the list.
3.Now press this combination—Alt+2,5,5 Note—–The 2,5,5 numbers r 2 b used from the number pad on the right side of the keyboard and not from the horizontal pad provided just below the F1,F2,F3….keys. This will erase out the name of the folder.

4.to hide the picture of the folder. right click again and this time….select properties on the menu.

5.After the dialog box appears..click on the “customize”tab {the last tab at the top}, and click on “change icon” at the bottom of the dialog box,which is written at the left of a folder picture.

6.After the appearance of the “change icon” dialog box….click on any area within the dialog box,which seems “blank” and press ok.

7.come back 2 the dialog box { 2 the 1 from where u started..:p} and then select apply and then ok.

8.Happy playin’ hide-and-seek wid your foldrs!

9.2 unhide, refresh the screen.

10.u may see the hidden folder blinkin’ everytime the screen is refreshed.

11.go to the place where u see the folder blinkin’ and press right mouse button.
12.Again select “rename” and rename the folder.

13. Again go 2 properties and repeat step 4 to 6 but……instead of selectin’ a blank space,select ne other pic. a nd press ok..!!!


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